Notion API with FastAPI (Releasing Daily Leetcode Problem Page’s Public Link)

Recently, I joined a Discord server that encourages its members to solve a LeetCode problem every day, though participation isn’t mandatory. While I don’t manage to solve one every single day, I make it a point to do so on weekdays. However, I encountered some difficulty when it came to copying and pasting the public URLs of Notion pages from a database into the Discord server. I thought it was a trivial task. To simplify this process, I decided to create a Notion API connection with a Linebot that can automatically provide me with the Notion page public link.
- Here’s my Leetcode Problems Notion Template

- First, let’s talk about some definition & settings:
0. AUTHENTICATION ( Follow the steps and complete the API settings. )



- Then, we can commence our project. Since the setup process for Linebot is quite complex and not directly relevant to the main topic of this article, I’ve opted to use FastAPI instead.
- Main function only these lines:"/notion/")
async def get_notion_page(
database_id: Annotated[
str, Query(..., title="DATABASE_ID 測試", description="DATABASE_ID 測試")
# query Notion database
# only filter unchecked rows
# order_by Createed Time
res = NotionConnections.query_db(database_id)
# get the first create row
target_data = res.get("results")[0]
# get page_id from target_data
page_id = target_data.get("id")
# update page's Checked to True by page_id
res = NotionConnections.update_page(page_id)
if res.get("id") == page_id:
# get the title of the page
title = res["properties"]["Name"]["title"][0]["text"]["content"]
# get the public link of the page
public_url = res["public_url"]
logger.warning(f"{title}, page_id: {page_id} has been shared.")
return {"code": 0, "msg": f"{title} share url: {public_url}"}
return {"code": -1, "msg": "update resp no id"}
2. And Below is the content of ‘’:
class NotionConnections:
def query_db(database_id: str) -> dict or None:
url = f"{NOTION_API}/databases/{database_id}/query"
# filter and sorts in post_data
payload = {
"filter": {"property": "Checked", "checkbox": {"equals": False}},
"sorts": [{"property": "Created time", "direction": "ascending"}],
r =, headers=NOTION_HEADERS, json=payload)
if r.status_code == 200:
res = r.json()
return res
def update_page(page_id: str) -> dict or None:
page_id = page_id.replace("-", "")
url = f"{page_id}"
r = requests.patch(
json={"properties": {"Checked": {"checkbox": True}}},
if r.status_code == 200:
res = r.json()
return res
Additionally, if you wish to obtain the public URL of a page, you need to manually publish the page yourself initially.
- Finally, below is a demonstration picture of the result achieved by connecting FastAPI with the Notion API:

- As we can see, the Notion database’s target page has been successfully updated.

- That concludes the article. You can find the code for this article on GitHub by following this link: Github Link